Young Presidents' Organization (YPO) in Lisbon, Portugal

In the tradition of YPO, I'm going to share my experience with you. 40 years ago I was 13 years old. My objective was to take a message to the people of the world. And it had to do with human beings and to cause them to explore themselves as the source of Peace.

We want success, and I say to you, there should be two types of success. One is in your business life. That has to be successful. But there is another one. And your business life's success will be judged by others. But there is one success that cannot be judged by others and that is the success that you feel you are in your life.

You too have an incredible potential; not as a CEO but as a human being. That's part of my message- As a human being. And when you understand what it means to be alive, I can tell you, all the rest of the successes will follow!

Feeling the Need for Peace
05:11 min

What is good for you?
22:52 min