Prem Rawat appointed as honorary Mayor of San Antonio, Texas

Prem Rawat was honored in Texas, US- with the title of honorary Mayor of San Antonio, Texas. The proclamation was read by
Representative Joaquin Castro
Member of the State House of Representatives
from the 125th District

"I want to present resolution from the State of Texas. This resolution is an special honor appointing Mr. Rawat - Mayor; An Honorary mayor of San Antonio.
The Mayor and city council send their regards and they welcome you here to our wonderful city. Thank you for the work you've done with the inmates at the Dominguez State Jail and for your continued work in helping all of humanity.
I'm going to read in part, the state resolution that was prepared."

On behalf of The State of Texas
WHEREAS through its peace education program, the foundation has enhanced rehabilitation and correctional facilities around the world, including the Dominguez State Jail in San Antonio. The interactive non-sectarian PEP (Peace Education Program) workshop helps individuals develop positive life-skills and discover inner resources such as Self-worth and dignity.
AND WHEREAS for more than four decades, Prem Rawat has devoted himself to uplifting others with his message of peace. And his endeavors have contributed greatly to the well being of countless people.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Prem Rawat be honored for his philanthropic achievements and that he be extended sincere best wishes for continued success with his important work.

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