Millions of years ago on this planet

There is this whole world. You're alive. You live on this planet. What is this planed made of? Dirt, nothing else. What is the true? What is a lie? It can all be understood with one connection. And that connection is with the master. Because the true teacher not only explains, but he also allows you to experience what he talks about.
There was a time when this earth did not exist. Dust came together to form this earth. And here on this earth, we've all heard many stories. About 5,000 years back, 6,000 years back. But do you know what had happened millions of years ago on this planet? Millions of years ago, human beings did not rule this earth. There were huge, and you have no idea how huge! Huge creatures walking around shaking the earth. They were the rulers. How big were their teeth? One tooth as big as you're. Just one tooth! And those animals ruled this planet not for 1,000 years, or 5,000 years; they ruled for millions of years. What remains of them today? Just bones. And of those that evolved, they're alive today but they're now smaller. Why am I telling you all this? Because it has relation to the master as well.

Watch to learn further.

Maharaji in Mumbai- 25th Nov, 2009
39:56 min

2014 Highlights- March and April
58:10 min