Computer, and the three Termites

There was a time when computers were not available to public. When it first came, I bought one. At that time computer didn't have the screen either. You had to buy that separately. There was no concept of packaged software. A thick book would come with the computer. And you'll have to write the software yourself for getting the task done. It was meant to save time. Did it? Nope. Reading the book, going through the code, debugging it. It used to eat up all the time.
And today, the software comes packaged, and you don't need to do all those stuffs. Just install it, waste even more of your time! On one side the world tells you, it saves your time. you just follow the trend.

The termites dwell in you, and making you hollow. People have such an imagination of happiness. To have a beautiful family, and to have dinner together. But what happens when there's a fight? If people listen to your hopes, you're a Shake Chilli (an unrealistic Indian Character). There are three types of termites consuming you day and night. How would you get rid of them?

Watch to learn further.

Bharatpur, Rajasthan- 2014
06:01 min

Chinta (Tension)
09:44 min