The Pledge to Peace Comes to Rome

Human beings have demonstrated tremendous amounts of greed, anger, confusion, arrogance. But human beings have also, over the period of history, demonstrated tremendous amounts of co-operation.

And is there love? Absolutely! It's upto each one of us; what we reject. Love or hate? Anger or joy? Which one are you?

Believe me, and don't mistake this. I'm not saying I'm going to bring peace- We all are going to bring peace. Everybody has to be interested in peace. I'm not some angel that fell out of the sky; I'm not. I'm just like you, interested in peace. I started very young. Here I am. And I'm still doing what my passion is.

Greta expresses, about a month before she passed away
08:20 min

TVET Talkshow, Dili Timor-Leste
47:13 min