Musical Slideshow "The Feeling Machine"

Mesmerizing music with nice slides and invaluable words. This human body is a feeling machine after-all, and it depends on what we place in front of it.

The question is
What are you putting in front of your feeling machine.

Place doubt in front and you will feel doubt
Place anger and you will feel anger
Place confusion and you will feel confusion
Place love and you will feel love
Place peace and you will feel peace

When people don't feel these things
They try to fix the feeling machine

For so many centuries
a voice has been calling out
What you are looking for is inside of you

Your truth
your peace
your joy

So change what you place in front of this feel machine
Trade doubt for clarity and you will feel clarity
Because feeling is what you are made to do

Who is willing to say to themselves
For as long as I am alive

The thirst to feel clarity and joy are within me
And always will be within me

"The Best Relationship" slideshow with music
05:15 min

What is the identity of a master?
03:03 min