Animation: Four Prophets & Search for Happiness

This is an interesting depiction of how we tend to complicate our lives trying to make it simple.

In the beginning he worked alone. He ploughed the fields and worked hard in the clear blue skies. His work was hard and sweat rolled from his brow. But life was good and he enjoyed the peace of his existence. So, the seed was set for the arrival of the first prophet.

First Prophet: What you have done here is good, but imagine if you joined in with others in your labour. You would produce much more, you could share the fruits of your efforts and in the adding of your resources will come welfare. These will allow you greater time to enjoy the serenity you seek.

And the man believed the wisdom of the prophet and began to work in union with others. He saw it was true that by combining efforts and working as a community, they became more prosperous. However, he found, it took a lot of his time to do this and he missed the quiet times he once enjoyed. But life was good and the scene was set for the second prophet.

Second Prophet: I say this one to you now, mechanise your tasks, create machines to do this manual labour. Then, the time enriches you desire, will be abundant.

The man felt again that there was wisdom in these words, so he created machines, great machines of all kinds and he did become wealthier. But the gift of time he did not have, now he hurried to keep up with these machines. He wished he could have more time just to tell others what they needed to do. Now, the idea of having time to do nothing at all was quite absurd. If only he could do more with the time he had. And again, the scene was set for the next prophet.

Third Prophet: To take the next step on the road of progress, you will need to be able to communicate to any person, anywhere. So, I provide you with an amazing gift, the age of communication. Because you will not have to travel to see people and communication would be instant, you will prosper like never before and will have all the time you require.

An old fable says, "Be careful what you wish for, it may come true." Every moment was taken up with communication. It was a monster that extracted an enormous price. Every moment of his attention. There was no escape! No time off! For now, whoever wanted his attention, had it at any moment they chose. His age demanded him learn how to do many things at one time. He felt he could no longer cope. He no longer even understood, what it was that he was striving for. And then this time the fourth prophet appeared. But the man no longer believed this wise prophet and he hid in fear and distrust.

Fourth Prophet: Do not be afraid for what you truly seek has been hidden by all you have heard and all you do. Every quest you have embarked on was like a spider’s web. Each struggle to free yourself only acted to enslave you. Look within your own heart to find your way back. You will find it in the only place you have not looked.In you, there is this breath. That is the foundation of being fulfilled.

Every human being is searching,
but no one knows what they are searching for.
In your life,
let the miracle of life come true.
Let it happen for you.

A Peace Yet Undefined- music video
03:12 min

Two Ants
06:05 min