The Oldest Dream- at University of Salamanca

The University of Salamanca is the oldest university in Spain; founded in 1218 by King Alfonso IX, it was acknowledged in 1254 by Pope Alexander IV as being one of the four great Universities in the world. It has had many distinguished professors throughout its history, including Luis de Letan, Beatriz de Galindo, Melchor Cano, Francisco de Vitoria and Miguel de Unamuno and many well known citizens have walked along the University corridors, like Miguel de Cervantes, Hernando Cortes and Christopher Columbus.
Speaking at the University of Salamanca, Maharaji addressed distinguished guests, faculty and students. He said:
When you look at an ocean and you see that the river has carved this huge gorge. How do you think it happened? I will tell you how it happened. It happened drop by drop. That is the conviction that we too need in our lives. The knowledge of all things will be complete, when the knowledge of self is included in that knowledge. That one statement made by Socrates long ago, does not remain something to discuss, but becomes a reality. I travel the world; I bring this message to people. All I am doing is bringing this possibility, peace is important to me. And I hope that peace is important to you because after all when I look at the horizon and I have to imagine the world without peace, which indeed is a very grim prospect. When I see the light in the horizon, I certainly hope it is the light of peace that dances waiting to shine, in my life, in my time.

Solitary Traveler
58:00 min

01:07 min