Answers to 2 FAQs- as a Freebie!

  1. Where did I come from?
  2. Where am I going to go?
I'm going to give this as a freebie because this is not what I deal in, ok?
There is this (pointing to the body) and there's you (the infinite). You deal with this (the body) everyday. You take care of it whole day; you brush, you shave and do all the things, but you don't deal with infinite everyday. You're one more element than just this body- that 'Hans' that resides in you, that makes you 'you'. What is death? It is just the simple disconnect between the two.

If you recognize only as a body then the answer to the two questions are: You came from this dirt and you're going back to dirt. Not so glamorous, but true.

And if happen to be so lucky, to recognize the infinite in you then I've got good news for you. That's where you came from and that's where you gonna go!

Kabir- No-nonsense, no philosophical mumbo-jumbo, straightforward poet
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I am not joking, It is serious matter
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