The wind and the sun

There are certain things we cannot help. Just can't help! Control is not the issue, but because we are human. There is a little story. One day there was a competition between the sun and the wind. Who is more powerful. Wind said "I'm more powerful". They saw a guy walking along the road. Wind said "Whoever can take off his jacket, wins.". Sun asked the wind to try his best. The more wind tried, the more the guy clutched to his jacket. When the sun's turn came it simply shone. When the sun shone, the guy took of his jacket.

There are certain natures in us. We can all become angry, but nobody likes anger. We can all become sad, but nobody likes sadness. Just look at the one quality- you cannot bear pain even a bit. Joy? No limit!

Virtual World
06:06 min

Grain of sand
04:09 min