Leicester event with Prem Rawat in 2008

Speaking at Leicester Maharaji said,
“So here we are in the spring of 2008 and the tussle is on. On one side, the winter does not want to let go of its hold. On the other side, the summer, the warmth wants to break in.

On the ground are all these delicate, beautiful little plants, they are very delicate, they are fragile. Last year during the fall, they took a gamble and their gamble was, Winter will come and to survive the winter, we would need to shed our leaves, so they did.

But the true gamble was not the winter. The true gamble was that Summer will come again. And once summer comes we will be able to get on our leaves, and once again be complete.

So now they have been ready, prepared and the slightest hint of this summer coming has spurned them to start putting those leaves up.
I don’t know if you have noticed the same. But these delicate leaves, ready to make that commitment to being complete. If you have observed this then my question to you is simply this,
If spring were to come, are you too ready to bloom? Are you prepared to bloom? Are you ready for the spring in your life?

Because if you are, prepared, if you are ready, then I have some very good news for you and the news is,

Spring indeed has come!.”

Taking off the mask
06:08 min

Heaven, hell, and God
08:45 min