Prem Rawat in Knoxville- Life is calling

It's a pleasure to be here. Talk to you about something which is so simple and yet so profound. Some people may think what will I talk about, this time. Well, I will talk about the same thing. I want to remind people of something they already know. It is amazing how in our life, we keep all that is good, and we save it for the last. Who came with this idea! It is the stupidest concept. To take the best, and save it for the last. Maybe it started from deserts, I can understand that! Because maybe the food is so pathetic, that a sugar at the end is all you need. Life is not like that. Life is a beautiful journey that takes place every single day, which is dancing and calling you. It wants you to actively participate with it. Recently, somebody was driving me who was having a bad day. Every single way that he took me was a wrong way. Next day we started again, and started talking. He said it was a perfect disaster. I said no it was not. You were alive, it was beautiful. I had to go to funeral once. In fact I knew this person, and knew that it is time for him to leave. I had said him goodbye before taking a long trip to India. But still it was shocking. People get shocked when someone has to leave, and yet you know that everyone has to leave. In the cemetery, there are a lot of headstones. What do they represent? They represent someone who died, but it also represents history. History of a person who had good days, and bad days. And what is the different between that headstone and me? If I don't awaken to being alive, and if I don't awaken to a moment that came into my life, and that will be the value of that moment? I am concerned about all the things that is happening around me, and least concerned about something that is so important. The only difference between the headstone and me, is that b.r.e.a.t.h.

It is so fine that we cannot even take photograph, cannot paint, cannot make a statue of it, or even give, buy or trade it. And it is all the difference that you are. And because it comes, you are intelligent. Because it comes, you are Mr. or Ms/Dr/Captain/Professor so and so. Because of this gift of breath you have the capability to understand, to question, to reason, observe, to learn- Thanks, thanks this gift of breath that comes into you. People say "I've had my job for 27 years. I have been flying for 11,000 hours."" I said that to somebody! that I have 11,000 hours of flying. And I started thinking, that I do not remember how many breaths I have taken. Every hour that I flew proudly is by the courtesy of this breath. Why do I forget what is so important. What am I saving for the last? The possibility of being in peace, am I saving it for the last? If so, change of plans are required. I need to experience that every single day that I'm alive. For real, not an abstract concept.

Write Your Own Story- London
78:24 min

Water & Food Award- Westminster, London
31:21 min