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Prem Rawat - Maharaji - University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur [36:04 min] Vice Chancellor, Captain Dato’ Professor Dr. Hashim Yaacob, describes Maharaji's message to be intriguing. The University of Malaya (Abbreviation: UM; Malay: Universiti Malaya) is the oldest university in Malaysia. The university motto, Ilmu Punca Kemajuan (Malay: Knowledge is the Key to Success), reflects the philosophy of the University in its constant endeavor to seek knowledge in all fields to produce successful graduates and a successful nation.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - A Faint Voice in a Screaming Storm A Faint Voice in a Screaming Storm [64:54 min] Prem Rawat speaks about the value of being alive and the need to make contentment a priority, regardless of how much turmoil might exist.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Montreal, Canada Montreal, Canada [65:51 min] When the truth is actually told, it is the sweetest thing on planet earth. It is sweeter than any fragrance of a flower. It is sweeter than any singing of a song. It is sweeter than the sweetness of nectar itself.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - More than words More than words [35:30 min] A compilation of different events, which were held at
  • Seattle, Washington
  • Phoenix, Arizona
  • Universal city, California
  • Miami, Florida
  • White Plains, New York
Our reason for being here is to take the spotlight from everywhere to let it shine on something that is inside of us. From morning till evening we think about everything. So the spotlight is on everything else. Everything is being catered to. So take the spotlight from all those things for a few moments and say "Wait a minute. There is something going on here that is fundamentally very powerful and beautiful." Something that should be appreciated, accepted, catered to. That's what needs to happen. Because you've been given this life. The ability to be able to listen to understand and take in what is being offered. It's offered because nothing is being charged. By the very nature that it is not charged, it's a gift!

What an incredible opportunity to not be empty-handed. If you don't wanna go empty-handed, you better not be empty-handed right now. Got to start hanging on to it. Collect! Don't let this day just go by. It's happening now, and now is the time to gather inner strength.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Melbourne, Australia Melbourne, Australia [61:33 min] Understand the value of every single day that you are alive, because it is irreplaceable. That’s the reality — that you weren’t, you are, and you won’t be. That’s the reality. And this isn’t about death. This is about living, existing, and knowing what it means to be alive.”
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - The infinite within The infinite within [25:43 min] We are human beings- the containers of the divine. Time has come for us to understand ourselves. As socrates said, "Know Thyself!" The time has come to understand the divine within us. That divinity has a level of generosity that is unparalleled. It has given you the most amazing planet earth. It has given you the ability to feel joy and happiness. It has given you the gift of breath.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - What is Peace? What is Peace? [65:20 min] I'm here to hopefully make you think about the possibility of understanding and having peace in your life. I don't know who you are. But I know, in some ways, you're very much like me.
It is easy to toss around the word "Peace". But what is Peace? What is it? Is it a moment in which all you hear is the crickets? Wind chimes, no traffic, no airplanes going overhead. Is that peace? Well, you'll be surprised, but to some people that is peace. And that's sad. That silence from external noise/pollution has become so irritating. When we find absence of that, we say "Peace"!
Or is it an undeniable feeling not born of thought. And this is a big issue, isn't it? Think about it. Everything that we react to, is born of a thought. It doesn't take much for us to get upset. So is peace simply not being upset. For some people, it is. It's sad, but it's true.
Then what is peace? So let me tell you something, I can't tell you what it is. Does that mean I haven't felt peace? I have felt peace. And I can feel peace every day. And I feel it every day. But I can't tell you what it feels like. Like I can't tell you what the sugar feels like, in my mouth. I can't! I can only allude to it.
I have nothing to sell to you, but I appreciate that you came to listen to me. So I'm going to tell you something. There is something that can put you in touch with that real joy that is inside of you, and it is called Knowledge. The Knowhow to be able to get in touch with that beauty that is inside of you. You hear my words, guess what? They're not just words! When I said you should feel peace, I can make it happen. Am I being unhumble? No.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Denver, Colorado Denver, Colorado [65:42 min] You are as real as this breath. You have an amazing relationship with this breath that you need to understand. Because it all started for you the day you took this breath. And it’ll all end, the day you don’t take it.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Mazara del Vallo- May 2011 Mazara del Vallo- May 2011 [41:17 min] Prem Rawat's visit to Mazara del Vallo, Sicily, on May 27th 2011. He made a keynote address to 1200 people highlighting the first annual Week of Peace celebration in Mazara del Vallo.
Maharaji starts with "Mr. Mayor, distinguished guests, ladies, and gentlemen. Not only the weather is co-operating, the hearts are warming too. And the subject of Peace is being discussed- talked about. Which in my humble opinion is the most noble subject to be speaking about. Because it is important to every human being on the face of this earth. I've held no government position. I've been and I'm an ordinary citizen like you..."

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Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Staying Focused Staying Focused [63:23 min] Prem Rawat focuses on the stark difference between the dust and elements that make up a human body and the life that makes that body into a human being.