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Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Finding Home Finding Home [26:33 min] What I'm offering is not “Let's imagine a mango” No. Here is the mango. Here, have a bite; taste it. That's what I offer. So the prepare becomes seeing that home as it is. The preparation becomes really really preparing yourself to see it with your eyes. Not somebody's else's explanation. Thirst- it's there. It needs to be discovered. Knowledge is there- it needs to be discovered.

I'm here to help. To help facilitate that process. I get to hold the mirror up, you get to see. The answers are within you. And so far you've become very good at formulating questions. Now let help you to accept answers that come from within you.
The art of coming home.

Have you seen an ant? If you've seen one ant, you've seen all ant. There they are, always going about their business. They get a little concerned when you come around, because you may step on them or something. And they go places to find food. But there's one thing that is really remarkable about the little ant. This tiny little ant may venture all over the place (And your lawn is like big thick jungle for the little ant) And it goes wherever it has to go. But there is one thing very special- and that is this ant knows how to get back home. For this ant, it is really really important. Got to get back home. Think about that. Wherever it goes, whatever it does, it does everything to remember how to get back home.
Do you know how to get back home? Because if you have mastered the art of going out but not coming back, then it is a half the mastery. It's kind of one-way experiment. And people to that- make the list; this is what I want in my life. Fine. Go and do whatever you have to do. I'm not the one who will tell you what you should and shouldn't do. But a piece of good advice, do you know how to get back home? Where is your home?
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Write Your Own Story- London Write Your Own Story- London [78:24 min] At the Wembley Arena, Prem Rawat spoke to an audience of over 5,000 people about the peace that resides in every human being and the impact that a little kindness can have in a person’s life.
London, England. Sunday 29 June 2014
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Can you hear this truth? Dublin, Ireland Can you hear this truth? Dublin, Ireland [72:01 min] If you’re going to live this life, you have to come from strength. And strength does not come from vagueness. Strength does not come from ideas just floating around in somebody’s head. Strength comes from knowing. Do you understand the meaning, the value, of knowing yourself?
Dublin, Ireland. Saturday 5 July 2014
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - The Call of the Heart The Call of the Heart [28:04 min] What is this breath? What is this life? What is this existence? When I have it, I have everything and when I do not have it, I do’nt even have nothing. And when I have it, I do not have to earn it, I have it. And what do I have? And the world goes, always what you could have.
Every advertisement, every sign, that you see, is about what you could have. Not what you need! There are no advertisements for peace and the world says to you that if you want to be happy, this is what you should do. But it never shows you, that this is the person who did all this and he was happy, No. Its a formula the world gives you and there is no equals sign at the end. It is just a formula. What does it equal? What does it produce? What does it do? Nobody knows. Do all of this, do all of that. And mind you, I am not criticizing anything. What I am saying is the "Key ingredient" missing in all that which is happening in the world is "you". Because in your life, you have all your responsibilites, but do you also take the responsibility of recognizing this breath which has been given to you.
I am sure all of you would have gone to beautiful concerts, and enjoyed them. You must have enjoyed beautiful symphonies playing. I am sure you must have heard a lot of lectures and discussed them, over a cup of coffee. Now let me ask you a question. Have you heard the call of your heart? Because if ever there was a poetry written, no poetry was written as sweet as "The call of the heart". If there ever was a perfect lecture, then it is the lecture of the heart. And if there is a voice that is sweet, then it is the voice of the heart. And if there was a song, that was most beautifully sung, then it is the song of the heart. Listen to it. Pay attention. Because something wonderful is happening in your life, something sweet is manifesting in your life. Listen to what is being said. Listen to this request, about peace, about joy, about being fulfilled. Not tomorrow, not day after tomorrow. But now.
There is a beautiful saying, that to see a reflection in the water, you need the pond or the lake or the surface of the water to be still. Then when you look, you see yourself. But if the water is rough, you look but you do’nt see yourself. Knowledge is just that, knowledge is like the mirror and in that mirror I won’t see other peoples faces. I would see mine. It is very true that the mirror needs to be of a quality that when I see my reflection, it should be accurate. It becomes so important that the mirror is clean so that I can see my true reflection in it. That is knowledge.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Wish you were here! Wish you were here! [24:41 min] I can tell you one thing, every person who has been within, has called out to the entire humanity and called out "Wish, you were here!" Because there is no place like home! And that's your home (pointing to the heart).

When people are told by doctors that they've only 6 months to live, first it's hard to digest it. But once they come to terms with it, I've seen them getting bubbly. They become conscious and start enjoying everyday! "I don't wanna be distracted" But why does it have to be dire straits before clarity kicks in? Can't we have it before the dire straits? And you know what that process is called? Being Conscious.

You want to pray? Great! But what should your prayer be like? Santa Claus's wishlist? Or should the prayer be "Thank you! Thank you for this life, for this breath, for today, for this moment". But it isn't. Because there is no experience of today.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - What is your echo? Ipoh, Malaysia What is your echo? Ipoh, Malaysia [65:17 min] Ipoh, Malaysia had the opportunity in April 2014 to host an event with Prem Rawat for the first time. In this fun and insightful address, he spoke about the importance of finding the value of being alive in the midst of constantly changing circumstances.
Ipoh, Malaysia. Wednesday 2 April 2014
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Limitless Possibilities Limitless Possibilities [21:04 min] Prem Rawat delivers his message of peace directly to the residents of Melbourne, Australia. Again he stresses the importance of peace in each individual, and also reminds us that peace is waiting in each of our hearts, waiting to be felt. Peace dwells in the heart of every living human being.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Prem Rawat in Knoxville- Life is calling Prem Rawat in Knoxville- Life is calling [69:09 min] It's a pleasure to be here. Talk to you about something which is so simple and yet so profound. Some people may think what will I talk about, this time. Well, I will talk about the same thing. I want to remind people of something they already know. It is amazing how in our life, we keep all that is good, and we save it for the last. Who came with this idea! It is the stupidest concept. To take the best, and save it for the last. Maybe it started from deserts, I can understand that! Because maybe the food is so pathetic, that a sugar at the end is all you need. Life is not like that. Life is a beautiful journey that takes place every single day, which is dancing and calling you. It wants you to actively participate with it. Recently, somebody was driving me who was having a bad day. Every single way that he took me was a wrong way. Next day we started again, and started talking. He said it was a perfect disaster. I said no it was not. You were alive, it was beautiful. I had to go to funeral once. In fact I knew this person, and knew that it is time for him to leave. I had said him goodbye before taking a long trip to India. But still it was shocking. People get shocked when someone has to leave, and yet you know that everyone has to leave. In the cemetery, there are a lot of headstones. What do they represent? They represent someone who died, but it also represents history. History of a person who had good days, and bad days. And what is the different between that headstone and me? If I don't awaken to being alive, and if I don't awaken to a moment that came into my life, and that will be the value of that moment? I am concerned about all the things that is happening around me, and least concerned about something that is so important. The only difference between the headstone and me, is that b.r.e.a.t.h.

It is so fine that we cannot even take photograph, cannot paint, cannot make a statue of it, or even give, buy or trade it. And it is all the difference that you are. And because it comes, you are intelligent. Because it comes, you are Mr. or Ms/Dr/Captain/Professor so and so. Because of this gift of breath you have the capability to understand, to question, to reason, observe, to learn- Thanks, thanks this gift of breath that comes into you. People say "I've had my job for 27 years. I have been flying for 11,000 hours."" I said that to somebody! that I have 11,000 hours of flying. And I started thinking, that I do not remember how many breaths I have taken. Every hour that I flew proudly is by the courtesy of this breath. Why do I forget what is so important. What am I saving for the last? The possibility of being in peace, am I saving it for the last? If so, change of plans are required. I need to experience that every single day that I'm alive. For real, not an abstract concept.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Freedom of the City of London Freedom of the City of London [34:47 min] The granting of the Freedom of the City of London is an ancient ceremony, dating back to nearly 800 years. In England, the most extensive borough freedom is that conferred by the Freedom of the City of London, first recorded in 1237. It is considered the original Keys to the City upon which all other city keys are based. Prem Rawat's nomination for the freedom of the city of London was made in recoginition of the many decades he has dedicated to peace. In a rare departure from the convention, and in recognition of the importance of the event, the ceremony was held in historic Guildhall. The representatives of many humanitarian and charitable organizations were present, as well as city of London government officials, business people and International guests. Following his admmision to the freedom, Prem Rawat was invited to address the audience.

Murray Craig: The ceremony today is rather symbolic. Historically, it is of great value. We've certainly given some very interesting people, this freedom over the years. We're very glad to add you this list of fame. Nelson Mandela received this in 1996. We had Napolean Bonaparte, Florence Nightingale, and Marget thatcher too.
Craig John Murray (born 17 October 1958) is a British political activist, former ambassador to Uzbekistan and former Rector of the University of Dundee.

Deputy Richard Reagan: I'ld like to be among the first to congratulate Prem Rawat on being admitted to this freedom to city of London. I'm delighted too, sir, to welcome you. It's wonderful to share this special moment with you and your family. For those of you who are not so familiar with Prem Rawat's work. I would like to say a few words of introduction. I was privileged in 2007 to hear Prem Rawat at a very high profile event in Guildhall, at Lord Mayor's appeal. Prem Rawat's effort towards peace has been lifelong. He has dedicated himself to enguarding people all over the world, to make peace a priority in their lives. His message of peace transcends all cultures and social conditions. It's based on the importance of the individual and addressing the very nature of human beings. Prem Rawat has founded TPRF, which spreads message of peace and spearheads numerous humanitarian initiatives in collaboration with governments and other International organizations. It provides aid for people in urgent need of life sustaining resources such as food and water. For his commitment both as ambassador of peace and a promoter of humanitarian Initiatives, he has received awards in honor of his work from many Institutions in many countries. And there I say this is not the first freedom of the city, you've received, sir. Very recently you spoke at the European Parliament in Brussels at the invitation of the Vice President, to share your unique perspective of peace. I would now like you Prem to address this distinguished audience and share with us your vision of Peace and dignity. Thank you very much
Richard David Regan has been a Sheriff of the City of London. Educated at Wimbledon College, Regan was Master of the Worshipful Company of Cutlers in 2002 and 2003 and is an active member of two past Masters Associations. He was elected to the Court of Commons Council has served as Deputy Chairman of Governors of the City of London School for Girls and King Edwards School Whitley, and as Deputy Chairman of the Standards Committee of the City of London Corporation.

Prem Rawat: I'm so pleased to join you as a fellow freeman. When I was coming here, just looking around every corner of this wonderful city which is so full of history. But even though history is so fascinating, if we look at it, there's a pattern. Their is a pattern of peace, there's a pattern of war, and there's a pattern of people wanting properity, and there's pattern of people being squashed. What does that mean? Einstein said something wonderful. He said, while defining Insanity, is to keep doing the same thing and expect different results. For such a long time, I feel, that people of this world keep doing the same thing and hoping and praying for absolutely different results. And that's what I wanna bring your attention to!

Guildhall has been used as a town hall for several hundred years, and is still the ceremonial and administrative centre of the City of London and its Corporation. The term Guildhall refers both to the whole building and to its main room, which is a medieval-style great hall. The current building was begun in 1411AD. During the Roman period, it was the site of an amphitheatre, the largest in Britannia.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - The Most Precious Gift- Madrid, Spain The Most Precious Gift- Madrid, Spain [72:00 min] This journey is the most beautiful journey that you have. You came. And every day of your life, a gift was given to you. You didn’t ask for it. You didn’t push a button for it. But in the abundance of the most precious thing there is on this planet earth, this gift was given to you.
In this video, Prem Rawat speaks about being able to recognize the importance of life itself in the middle of the distractions we encounter every day, and emphasizes again that everything a human being needs is inside of them.
Sunday 22 June 2014. Madrid, Spain.