Excerpts from Events

Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Interesting story- at University of Malaya Interesting story- at University of Malaya [09:43 min] Maharaji narrates an interesting story about the thief. The funny story has depth of his message behind the words. Maharaji addressed his message and his work, to the heads, lecturers and young students of Malaya University (Kuala Lumpur).
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - How people portray God- Amusing How people portray God- Amusing [06:47 min] Be in that joy, in that understanding, of what you have been given. The greatest of the gifts is coming and going of this breath that you receive. And this is the blessing. You want to be blessed? You are blessed. People say that to me "O Maharaji, I want to be blessed" and I say to them do you have any idea how many time you have already been blessed? Do you really want to know if there is a God.

When I say God, I don't mean to say a God with a face, and two eyes and a Temperament. I mean the way people present or portray God - Touchy, Touchy, Touchy! You put this glass over here - that's it you're gone - Pitch fork and barbequed. You are toasted!

I don't know if you have ever watched Clint Eastwood movies- With cigarette in the mouth that twinkle in the eye, and hand on the Gun - Make my day! The way people portray God, is almost working for the devil. No, not the face, not make-my-day type of God. I'm talking of God who is truly Omnipotent, is Omniscient, and is Omnipresent. Doesn't need a face, doesn't need twinkle in the eye, doesn't need bad temperament. But passion and compassion, and in this Universe and the universes beyond, holding them all together. From dust creates the Sun, the moon, the earth. And for all of it to go on. from nothing to create everything. From nothing to create this earth. To create ceiling without the pillars. And you to have the ability to witness this, not just see. To see is one thing, but be able to admire.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Are you rich? Are you rich? [06:22 min] What does it mean to be rich? Now, rich isn’t just rich in money. You can be rich in many things. So, what is the definition of being rich? Two elements are involved in being rich. One- You have to have something precious. What does precious mean? Something that is not ordinary, but something precious. And secondly, you have to have abundance of it.
Gold is precious. But having a gold the size of a hairpin, isn’t going to make you rich. Two elements. You have to have something precious and lots of it. And the more you have of it, the richer you are. And both things, the preciousness and abundance play off each other to make you rich. If you have a lot of nothing, you are not rich! Two things have to be, two elements have to be.
So, now the question becomes, are you rich? What is incredibly precious? And not only precious, but what do you have that is precious and you have abundance of it. There is something, and its not dollars, and its not diamonds. It is another kind of wealth and one thing that is incredibly precious is this breath that comes in and out of you. And not only is it precious, here’s the beauty, it comes in abundance, not just one. Coz that wouldn’t make you rich. The two things, the two tests that it has to pass, precious and abundant. There is one thing that qualifies. Every human being that is sitting in this hall, outside of this hall, in this world, everyone, has this. And it just so happens to be the source of immense joy.
When you have found, not only the abundance, but the richness of that existence, of that breath, of that gift that is coming in and out of you. And somebody to point that out. The obviousness that you are alive, not what you can do. The fact that you are alive. There in lies, the foundation of peace for you, there in lies your treasure, there in lies your clarity, there in lies your understanding, there in lies, your peace.
Peace is not a piece of something. You cannot buy peace. Like I say, Peace is the perfume of god. And when you find that god, which god? Not the one that lives over there, but the one in you. Then you smell the perfume and when you smell the perfume, you feel the peace, the tranquility, the reality, the beauty, the simplicity, of life. Not the complicated, not the duties, but the richness, the abundance, the preciousness.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Passion- the ultimate love Passion- the ultimate love [04:26 min] I have been observing how people use words, and there has been a shift for sure. "love- like". Where the word should be "like", people start using "love". And those are just words, and what difference does it make?

When you say- I love my car- and people start believing that they love their car. You can’t really "love" your car. You can only "like" your car. People say- I just Love gardening! That's my passion. Okay, that's your hobby and you like it. But it isn’t that if you are dying, you will say- No, no I need to be in garden, don't take me to hospital!

When I want to be passionate about something, it needs to be truly real- not just figment of imagination. So what is it- that's truly real, amazing, incredible, not imagination? Not only it does have to be real, but it has to be amazing. Then- to unleash! Passion is not one of the things that you generate. Passion is something you only unleash. You just open the gates, and it comes pouring in.

Every human being has a capacity to love. I am not just talking of love, I am talking of the ultimate love. All the things put in front of it may inspire some amount of love. But the right thing placed in front of it- would make it dynamically explode! Infinite passion- this is every single human being’s capacity
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - It’s About You and Me It’s About You and Me [03:51 min] I am here to talk about something very simple but at the same time it touches every one of us and it is about this journey, this life, this existence. Not an idea, not a theory, not rules, not some printed pages but about you and me. Because the most incredible thing thats taking place is not all the things that you read in the newspaper, it is not a thing which is there in your library. And this important thing is that "You are alive!", now what? What does it mean to you? We have interpretations of what it means to be alive. The focus is not about those things, the focus is your existence, your being on the face of this earth. This will never happen again. The house that you live in, other ones will live in it. What is yours? What is it that you consider truly yours that no one can take away from you? Do you know it?
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Leicester event with Prem Rawat in 2008 Leicester event with Prem Rawat in 2008 [04:53 min] Speaking at Leicester Maharaji said,
“So here we are in the spring of 2008 and the tussle is on. On one side, the winter does not want to let go of its hold. On the other side, the summer, the warmth wants to break in.

On the ground are all these delicate, beautiful little plants, they are very delicate, they are fragile. Last year during the fall, they took a gamble and their gamble was, Winter will come and to survive the winter, we would need to shed our leaves, so they did.

But the true gamble was not the winter. The true gamble was that Summer will come again. And once summer comes we will be able to get on our leaves, and once again be complete.

So now they have been ready, prepared and the slightest hint of this summer coming has spurned them to start putting those leaves up.
I don’t know if you have noticed the same. But these delicate leaves, ready to make that commitment to being complete. If you have observed this then my question to you is simply this,
If spring were to come, are you too ready to bloom? Are you prepared to bloom? Are you ready for the spring in your life?

Because if you are, prepared, if you are ready, then I have some very good news for you and the news is,

Spring indeed has come!.”
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Inner Potential Inner Potential [04:29 min] Peace begins with each human being. Olive trees are not looking for peace. Why I say olive tree is because it is the sign for peace. If someone or something is bothering the olive trees, believe me, it's human beings. Left alone, it'll be just fine. We human beings need to see our inner potential. Not so that we can do better work. But so that we can be better at feeling the joy that resides within inside of us, that's why!
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Excerpt from event in Atlanta, Georgia Excerpt from event in Atlanta, Georgia [09:45 min] This is clipping from event held in Atlanta, Georgia, on August 8th, 2010.

If you're on a boat in survival situation in the middle of a hostile ocean, you don't wanna be on that boat with enemies, you wanna be with friends. And even if they're your enemies, start making friends. Do you understand what I'm saying? Because if you don't, guess who's life is going to be miserable. Not just their's, your's too. And that's what happens.

We don't understand what it means to be alive and therefore what is the significance of a human life. The causes are greater than the dignity and integrity of a human being. "You think like this therefore, Out you go!"
But this comes from the lack of understanding of who you are. It shows the lack. Because we truly doesn't understand the value of each moment that we have, whilst we are alive; till it is too late.

I want you to know, and I want you to understand that value. Not based on a belief system. This is what is incredibly cool of what I talk about. It's not a bunch of speculation. It's is not "Well, you should believe this. Close your eyes and believe this." No. Feel this! Feel peace in your life. Not just think about it. Have gratitude in your life, not because somebody told you have gratitude, but because you have gratification. If you have gratification, my friend, gratitude is automatic. You don't have to make any attempt. It will happen.

And what is gratification? Look it up. Look it up if you want to; Fulfillment!
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Virtual World Virtual World [06:06 min] There is this place but it's not really a place, it's virtual. And in this place, everything is virtual. It's not real, it's virtual. And you can create an alter personality of yourself. You can fly, and you can do all the things that you always wanted to do, but could never do. But virtually. Not really, virtually. When you fly in this virtual place, you don't actually feel like you are flying.
But, here is the fun part. In this virtual place people buy apartments. Make houses. Buy clothes for their avatar. That's what they are called, "Avatar". And in this virtual place when you buy the apartment, it's a virtual apartment but you pay for it in non-virtual money. It's not like play-money. No,no. It's real Euros, real Dollars, real Rupees. People meet in this virtual place and get married.
I am here this evening, I am telling you this. And I bring you a message. That message that ran true for Kabir, for Meera, for Sahjo, for so many, about reality. On one hand, a message says, that what you are looking for is inside of you. On one hand the world is making a complete idiot out of you.
Don't you think that has to be this virtual thing that you pay in real money for, the biggest trickster game ever invented. Because if you paid with virtual money, it's not, it's a game. And I should be telling you, you should choose. You should choose reality over this.
What are we? Who are we? What is our core? This is the day and age where we need to know this more than I believe any other time. Otherwise our choices would be virtual and consequences will be real. Consequences are never virtual, unfortunately. And choices made would have been virtual. Make believe.
So, who are you? What are you? What is your forte? What do you do the best? What is your real potential? What is this life?
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - The wind and the sun The wind and the sun [03:59 min] There are certain things we cannot help. Just can't help! Control is not the issue, but because we are human. There is a little story. One day there was a competition between the sun and the wind. Who is more powerful. Wind said "I'm more powerful". They saw a guy walking along the road. Wind said "Whoever can take off his jacket, wins.". Sun asked the wind to try his best. The more wind tried, the more the guy clutched to his jacket. When the sun's turn came it simply shone. When the sun shone, the guy took of his jacket.

There are certain natures in us. We can all become angry, but nobody likes anger. We can all become sad, but nobody likes sadness. Just look at the one quality- you cannot bear pain even a bit. Joy? No limit!