Excerpts from Events

Prem Rawat - Maharaji - A call from within A call from within [06:15 min] "How much money is spent developing arms so that they can destroy- efficiently! How much money is spent for peace? When I talk about peace, people are extremely skeptical. If we dont have peace, we have nothing to be proud of! If we have not accomplished peace, then we would have a fundamental problem. We will not understand what the meaning of life is, what it means to be alive.
On one hand we feed the generations and on the other hand we prepare to kill them. Its a very strange dichotomy.
Have you felt that need? I cannot create the need for anyone. Do you understand what your calling from within has been? I have been looking for something all my life, I dont know what it is, but I’ve been looking for, all my life. Could it be peace? Could it be contentment?
When Socrates said "Know Thyself!" What was Socrates talking about? Now it has become a point of discussion and debate in universities. "Know Thyself!" Because you are the source of what you are looking for!
Do I have a vision for peace? No... I have something more! And very humbly, I say to you "What you are looking for, is within you!" That peace for you as a human being is entirely possible on the face of this earth. Not impossible- very, very possible. Turn within and you will feel it!"
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - The Ocean Inside The Ocean Inside [07:52 min] Maharaji talks about the ocean that is inside each on of us. He is also in humorous mood as he talks about the human behavior!
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Ask yourself Will today be the day? Ask yourself "Will today be the day?" [01:33 min] I know you have asked yourselves so many questions, and so many questions will still come your way. But ask yourselves this question one day, when you really feel like it- Will today be the day that I will feel peace?
Will today be the day I will feel immeasurable joy?
Will today be the day that I will understand the value of my existence?
WIll today be the day when my heart will sing in its real Gratitude- "Thank you"
I want that in MY life! And I want that in my life for ME!
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Where the story begins! Where the story begins! [03:59 min] Where does this journey begin? Where does the story begin? It begins with you.
Because this is about that sweet simplicity. How would like your story to begin?
Do you want you want your story to begin "Once upon a time" or would you like your story to begin "Once there is! Living- breathing- most unique person, on the face of this earth". There is no one like you. No one can smile like you.
It is the joy, the gratitude, the expression that makes you unique!
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Take Advantage Take Advantage [05:26 min] I just want you to take full advantage of every single day. It's an effort, but try. You won't succeed everyday, but you must try. Be conscious, be aware of this existence, be aware of this breath. Be aware that you are alive. Thats what it is, to know yourself. Thats what it is, to know that fundamental inside of you. Thats your potential.
So, I'll bring you very good news. In this day and age, when you look at the newspaper, and it is not nice. And the news is that you are alive and within you shines the sun of joy and peace and tranquility so bright that it can make any darkness go away. Open these windows of understanding.
I have nothing to sell. It is not for sale. People have said to me, "Oh you must sell this." I can't. It's free. It's too precious, too valuable to charge for. It's free because it comes from a heart, it is a gift. For all those people who have this gift, enjoy it. Make that effort everyday.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - With the Heart of a Child With the Heart of a Child [08:29 min] We have certain natures. We have the ability to feel pain. When something painful is placed in front of us, what it triggers is pain. When our hopes, and dreams, and ideals, and our little castle of sand. When somebody comes and plays with it, we don't like it. When hope is taken away, we don't like it. Where do you wanna be? Wherever you've decided to be be, may be more painful than current scenario.

What do you want? Do you know what drives you, what inspires you? What is this thing that doesn't like hopelessness. What in you wants real peace? Why are you attracted to truth? What is this truth business? This microphone is black (pointing to microphone in front). This is truth right? So you felt peace? You felt the salvation? Did you feel free? This chair is almost neutral gray. So are you free? You feel free now? Did you see God? See, that may be true, but that's not The Truth. If our consciousness is plugged into that, then it would bring not just joy, but supreme joy- Joy unparalleled. And methinks, that's what we should be passionate about. That if we were, the flood gates would open.

To understand the ultimate truth. Because the ultimate truth is so simple, that you have to be utterly simple to understand that. How simple? How simple? With the heart of a child! What does a child have that you don't. You have more of everything- older, more hair (some!). Child has simplicity. You don't. Careful, you do not qualify! So if you want to experience that passion, you will have to have a heart of a child. That means not doing, but undoing!
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - The Lamp The Lamp [08:57 min] Recognize your freedom, that within you is a light so bright, that never again, do you have to be in darkness. And if the majesty that is inside of you is unchanging. Where is freedom? Freedom is within you. Where is the joy, the joy is within you. That is your true love, that is your true joy, that is your true knowledge. So, in this life, you dont have to wander. In this life, you dont have to walk confused. The wondering should be changed to knowing. Know where you are. Know what you have been given. Know the truth about you. You, are the well and from this well comes the spring of clarity.
Each one of you needs the peace within. You are a lamp and you need to be lighted. And when you are lit, you too will give light. This is when you will look the most beautiful.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Is there something worth appreciating? Is there something worth appreciating? [06:00 min] When we go to a restaurant and your bread is not warm, you say to the waiter "I would appreciate if you could bring me warm bread"
We use appreciate for every small thing, say if someone brings you glass of water, you go: "I appreciate that!"

Do you know what appreciation is? Do you have any idea what appreciation is?
Regardless of your age, this is one of the things that will not change- Appreciation! Even when you're 90 years old and you can't see so well. When your glasses are like binoculars!
The power of appreciation is not going to change. Hone in on it. Last year I was in Portland and I was coming back to the hotel after doing an event. I was looking out of the window, and there was this couple. For whatever reason, they were homeless and they laid down their bed in front of a shop. And she had biggest smile on her face. And I was like "Wow! You've lost everything. You're going to sleep outside and you're smiling!" - Appreciation!
Was that something she was looking forward too? to lose the home and sleep outside? Whatever the reason was- she was able to be happy and appreciate. That is the power of appreciation!

Is there something that is truly worth appreciating? And the answer is: Yes!
What is it? It is this moment in which this breath arrives. It is worth appreciating. The moment that you understand the simplicity of this existence, then it is worth appreciating. The moment you realize your desire to be fulfilled, then this is worth appreciating.
There is nothing you can do to remove the desire to be fulfilled. Nothing!
Your desire to be fulfilled.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Passing of Life Passing of Life [06:40 min] This existence is your home. And it is incumbent upon you to make this home as comfortable as possible.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Do you feel blessed? Do you feel blessed? [04:45 min] In India, I got this email from this person and he said, there is this couple in South India and the guy’s wife is dying of cancer, so they would like to see you. So, we worked it out. It was a young couple, a very young couple, and I walked into the room where they were sitting. And believe me I could’nt figure out who it was, that was sick. She looked just radiant. And her grandmother was sitting on one side, her husband was sitting there, and she was sitting, and I was like, "Who is it?". The doctors had said time-out. Yet I remember her face, because she was still filled with so much hope and so much joy. And it reminded me of the flower that I had seen coming out of the rock.
The audacity - Why should you be so happy, why should you be so hopeful. Don’t you know what the doctors are saying? But there was a thankfulness, for having knowledge. For having been alive, for having this gift. And a hope, not formulated in some concrete numbers. But whatever will happen will be fine.
This I must tell you is a powerful thing. Why here, why are you using your time and energy to sprout here, go down further south, it’s better. But no, this is it. This is the place. When that flower sprouts from that rock, in the middle of the most incredibly barren land. What that flower is saying, "This is the place to be. Regardless of the consequences. And I am here and here I’ll grow, and it happens."
Hope, but hope cannot be the first thing. Knowing, understanding, and then that brings the truest hope. Let it be like that, the truest hope. Not in, "This is the specific result I want.", but in, "It will be fine." That there is indeed a blessing in my life. "Do you feel blessed?"
Blessed you are, the only thing missing, is for you to know it.