Music / Expressions

Prem Rawat - Maharaji - To awaken To awaken [00:37 min] To awaken- to this beautiful reality. To awaken to this beautiful feeling called joy, gratitude, life. That is the solution for peace!
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Life Teacher Life Teacher [04:33 min] Harsha Vanmali reflects on the effect of Maharaji's work in her life
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Stand Still- music slideshow Stand Still- music slideshow [02:08 min] "Stand Very Still" is an excerpt from the album "Music To My Heart". This music has been composed by John Adorney and words are from excerpt of Maharaji / Prem Rawat.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Two Frogs Two Frogs [04:03 min] This is an interesting story of two frogs. There was a little frog, "Wellie" who had always lived in a well. Whether he had good days or bad, Wellie always felt very proud of his well. One day he encountered another frog "Laky" passing by..

Wellie: Hello, I live in this well! Jump in, the water will refresh you.

Splash! Laky jumps in.

Wellie: So, where are you from?

Laky: Well, I live in the big lake!

Wellie: Is the lake as big as my well?

Laky: No, It's a little bigger!

But, Wellie did not believe. He swam and made a little circle on the water.

Wellie: Is your lake this big?

Laky: No, its even bigger than that!

This time Wellie swims across the circumference of the well.

Wellie: Is it this big?

Laky: No! It's bigger than that!

Wellie laughs out loud.

Wellie: This is not possible. There is nothing bigger than my well.

Laky: If you want I would be very plesed to show you my lake.

Wellie: Ok, I accept it.

So, Laky takes Wellie, to show the little well frog, his lake. When Wellie sees Laky's lake, he is surprised. He cannot believe his eyes. He has never seen anything like this.

Wellie: Uauhh, this is big, really big! It's fantastic! This is amazing and unbelievably beautiful!

We are like the little frog living in our little world,
but within us is a joy unparalleled.
That is what we have the opportunity to feel.

- Prem Rawat
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Prem Rawat appointed as honorary Mayor of San Antonio, Texas Prem Rawat appointed as honorary Mayor of San Antonio, Texas [04:20 min] Prem Rawat was honored in Texas, US- with the title of honorary Mayor of San Antonio, Texas. The proclamation was read by
Representative Joaquin Castro
Member of the State House of Representatives
from the 125th District

"I want to present resolution from the State of Texas. This resolution is an special honor appointing Mr. Rawat - Mayor; An Honorary mayor of San Antonio.
The Mayor and city council send their regards and they welcome you here to our wonderful city. Thank you for the work you've done with the inmates at the Dominguez State Jail and for your continued work in helping all of humanity.
I'm going to read in part, the state resolution that was prepared."

On behalf of The State of Texas
WHEREAS through its peace education program, the foundation has enhanced rehabilitation and correctional facilities around the world, including the Dominguez State Jail in San Antonio. The interactive non-sectarian PEP (Peace Education Program) workshop helps individuals develop positive life-skills and discover inner resources such as Self-worth and dignity.
AND WHEREAS for more than four decades, Prem Rawat has devoted himself to uplifting others with his message of peace. And his endeavors have contributed greatly to the well being of countless people.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Prem Rawat be honored for his philanthropic achievements and that he be extended sincere best wishes for continued success with his important work.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - San Antonio, Texas San Antonio, Texas [22:49 min] This video features highlights of Prem Rawat's visit to San Antonio, Texas, where he spoke at the Dominguez State Jail and at a forum hosted by the University of Texas.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Be Beautiful Now Be Beautiful Now [02:53 min] What I talk about; the possibility that I've brought you, is to be fulfilled. Not one or two day- Every single day of your life.
In you life, know. Know what you've been given! Taken advantage and be fulfilled everyday. Because that's your opportunity.
When you leave this world, they will put makeup on you. They will try to make you look as beautiful as possibly can. You want to be beautiful? Then be beautiful now!
And there is only one thing that can make you look beautiful. And it's not your makeup. When your hear is full, you look beautiful!
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Musical Slideshow- Appreciation Musical Slideshow- Appreciation [05:39 min] Musical video with interesting slideshow and words of Maharaji. Maharaji talks about the power that we have. The message behind the music can be appreciated
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - What makes me Happy? Music Video What makes me Happy? Music Video [04:55 min] Inspired by Prem Rawat Maharaji, this is a groovy music clip cut to a groovy song sung by Lotus Hartley of New Zealand.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Feeling of Joy- A conversation Feeling of Joy- A conversation [06:45 min] This is an expression of a man who expresses his gratitude to Maharaji for knowledge. At the same time he raises his concern that the kids in the school where he teaches, drive him a lunatic and all the peace, all the joy that he had experienced, sublimes!
Maharaji answers:
There are two things. When you are in this feeling it is beautiful. Further and further when you move away from the feeling, everything else takes over. The outside circumstances will try to get to you. But you should decide. You need to excercise kindness to your existence. Knowledge does work so far you stay in that experience.
Don't be confused about it. You always have the decision to allow those things to take control of you. Lot of people think, it is not in their control. But it is. When a person in prison can feel the peace, then you should have no limits.