Music / Expressions

Prem Rawat - Maharaji - I can make you recognize I can make you recognize [02:42 min] I can make you recognize the beauty, haha! The beauty- beauty; I'm not using the word 'Importance', I'm using the word 'Beauty' of a moment of your life.
Video is accompanied with a music video where the words go as:
"All roads have an ending so our journeys must come to an end.
But you may journey forever when you find the world within."
You don't have much recognition of your breath. I can make you recognize your breath like you have never, never recognized it before.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - When you feel Joy When you feel Joy [03:17 min] What is this thing about feeling joy? Ah, you don't know? You don't have to be reminded to smile, it comes automatically.
You become content. You become you. You become rich, kind, conscious, real. You become a human being.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Peacemakers: Conversation with Mr. Gee Peacemakers: Conversation with Mr. Gee [28:32 min] Over the last nine months, TPRF has undertaken a pilot project to demonstrate that television broadcasts of Prem Rawat’s message of peace can generate the kind of viewer analysis that attract advertisers. This is one episode in its full broadcast version.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - The Mirror The Mirror [04:18 min] ONCE THERE WAS a remote little village. The people in this village were very simple. One day, a tourist arrived. The next morning, he took out his mirror and put it up on a wall so he could shave. He cleaned up and shaved, but he forgot to take the mirror off the wall before he traveled on.

An elderly villager with gray hair, bright eyes, and a beautiful shining face saw the mirror on the wall and looked into it. He had never seen a reflection of himself, so when he saw the face in the mirror, he was mesmerized, and he said to himself, "Today, I have seen the face of God." He left - completely happy: "I have seen God."

Then a young girl came along. When she saw herself in the mirror, she was taken aback. "I have seen the most beautiful woman on the face of this earth. When I grow up, this is what I want to look like!"

And then came along a man who had lost his father not too long before. He looked in the mirror and said, "Oh, my God! I have seen my father again."

Now, the three people who had seen themselves in the mirror started to get very upset. The older man wanted the mirror, because this is where he had seen the face of his god. The young girl wanted the mirror, because this is what she wanted to look like. And the third man wanted the mirror, because in it he had seen his father again.

They started arguing, and before long, fights were breaking out all over the village. Everybody was unhappy, because whoever went to the room and looked in the mirror on the wall- whatever they saw, they liked, and they all wanted the mirror for themselves.

Finally, a wise man happened to come by. When he saw what was going on in the village, he asked, "Why are you all fighting?"

Different people answered: "I want this thing because this is my god," or "This is who I want to be," or "This is my father," or "This is my this; this is my that."

So he asked for the magical thing to be taken down from the wall and brought to him. He looked at it and said, "Don't you know what this is? This is a mirror."

He called the old man, and he said, "You did not see the face of God. You saw yourself."

He called the young girl, and he said, "You did not see the most beautiful woman. You saw yourself."

He called the third man, and he said, "You did not see your father; you saw yourself. You look like your father, and that's why you thought you saw him, but it was you."

One by one, he called everyone and said, "What you see in this mirror, what you like in this mirror, is not the mirror. It's you!"

Now, how does this story relate to peace? You see, peace begins with each one of us. We have forgotten our own self, our own need. We like to talk about food, and we have become very good at it, but does that mean that we don't need to eat anymore? No. You can talk about food all day long. No problem. But sooner or later you've got to eat. This is my little bit of wisdom for you. Hunger does not look at anything else; it looks at being satisfied. And the hunger for peace comes from within you. It is not an intellectual idea.

Peace is the desire of the heart. Your heart. And it is as simple as the coming and going of the breath. Breath. This is how the movie of life begins. And how does the movie end?

Just recently, somebody's father passed away, and this person said to me, "We were all waiting till he had taken his last breath." Once again - breath. I know we're fascinated by the in-between part. This is what we live for, this is why we exist. That's all fine. I'm not criticizing that. But you should never, ever forget the importance of where your life began. And where it will end.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - The Pledge to Peace Comes to Rome The Pledge to Peace Comes to Rome [08:37 min] Human beings have demonstrated tremendous amounts of greed, anger, confusion, arrogance. But human beings have also, over the period of history, demonstrated tremendous amounts of co-operation.

And is there love? Absolutely! It's upto each one of us; what we reject. Love or hate? Anger or joy? Which one are you?

Believe me, and don't mistake this. I'm not saying I'm going to bring peace- We all are going to bring peace. Everybody has to be interested in peace. I'm not some angel that fell out of the sky; I'm not. I'm just like you, interested in peace. I started very young. Here I am. And I'm still doing what my passion is.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Amazing music rolled with words of Prem Rawat Amazing music rolled with words of Prem Rawat [05:27 min]
How amazing.. How amazing must be the love that this heart has for the peace!
How amazing must it be the love that this heart has for being fulfilled!
That in the middle of such a raging war, it is still looking, for that one very thing that it recognizes.
The "passion", the "want" must be so great that in the middle of the emptiness it is searching to be fulfilled.
This happens to be the story of every single heart that is here, residing in every single person that is sitting in this room.
You should be impressed! That is courage re-defined, it really is! This is something else.
The need must be so incredibly great that to go, to be rejected again and again and again out of that door,no go away,no go away, but to keep knocking, in the hope that some day this will open.
How amazing is that! How beautiful is that!
And I am not here to sing the praise of that, but to remind you again and again that this is the most beautiful thing!
This moment called now, this life that is dancing in front of you.
Accept it!
Embrace it!
Feel that thirst!
If you dont feel the thirst knowledge means nothing.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Water & Food Award- Westminster, London Water & Food Award- Westminster, London [31:21 min] On June 18, 2014, Prem Rawat was the keynote speaker at Central Hall, Westminster, London, for an event sponsored by the Water and Food Foundation (WAF). WAF promotes global best practices in water and food security initiatives.

Describing a broad vision, Prem Rawat told the audience, "All our efforts, whether they are sustainability, to feed the hungry, to bring clean water-in our own little way, we want to create a little heaven right here on earth. And who will ever blame us for thinking so wildly? Because it is a wild vision to want to create a little heaven for us and our fellow beings; and to leave a legacy of that heaven for the generations yet to come, so they keep on living the dream of creating the little heaven in their time, for their time ahead."

Prem finished by applauding everyone present for their efforts and was, in turn, given a standing ovation by the audience.

According to one attendee, John Carpenter, a long-time supporter of TPRF's Food for People program, "The warm feeling of unanimity created by the keynote address was best expressed by a member of the Zimbabwe team who won the 2014 WAF award. He told me, with great humility, that for him the real prize was to have been able to share the day with like-minded people and that he felt he was accepting the WAF award on behalf of everyone."
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Musical Slideshow The Feeling Machine Musical Slideshow "The Feeling Machine" [04:06 min] Mesmerizing music with nice slides and invaluable words. This human body is a feeling machine after-all, and it depends on what we place in front of it.
The question is
What are you putting in front of your feeling machine.

Place doubt in front and you will feel doubt
Place anger and you will feel anger
Place confusion and you will feel confusion
Place love and you will feel love
Place peace and you will feel peace

When people don't feel these things
They try to fix the feeling machine

For so many centuries
a voice has been calling out
What you are looking for is inside of you

Your truth
your peace
your joy

So change what you place in front of this feel machine
Trade doubt for clarity and you will feel clarity
Because feeling is what you are made to do

Who is willing to say to themselves
For as long as I am alive

The thirst to feel clarity and joy are within me
And always will be within me
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Fireside chat on Kantipur Television Fireside chat on Kantipur Television [50:37 min] On 7th of April 2014, Kantipur TV invited Honorable Prem Rawat via Bhushan Dahal for interview on the Episode Name Called FIRESIDE. This is the Video 'A Commitment to Peace' of that interview.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Ezeiza Women’s Prison in Buenos Aires, Argentina Ezeiza Women’s Prison in Buenos Aires, Argentina [16:47 min] A 17-minute excerpt of Prem Rawat's 2012 address to students of TPRF's Peace Education Program at the Ezeiza Women's Prison, near Buenos Aires, Argentina. Invited by Prison inmates and officials, Prem Rawat, known more commonly by the honorary title, Maharaji, spoke at the Ezeiza Women's Prison in Argentina.
Prem Rawat humorously approaches issues of mortality, the necessity of capturing time, what it means to be human and the capacity for joy. "Do you understand what it means to be human?" he asks. "Do you? Have you actually understood yourself?" This episode also contains a video clip from Prem Rawat's visit to the Ezeiza Women's Prison in Argentina.
Read about this event here