That's what I do

Reality is much more beautiful than fantasy. Because there is someone actually with whom you can live with 'Happily ever After'. And that is in your heart. No conflicts, no judgement.

This is the reality my friend. You're here and you are the ocean of peace, of kindness, of understanding, of happiness. Look within and you'll see what I'm talking about. And, if you do not know how to look within (opens his arms)- This I'm good at! That's what I do.

I'm not here to sell you anything. You search, wherever you find it; perfect. Be happy, enjoy it, be content. Flourish. But if you don't find it, look me up.

I've this way, I call it knowledge; To know. That can take your attention from outside, turn it inside and you can feel that ocean inside of you. That's it. That's what I do.

A Good news in this life
04:08 min

Water & Food Award- Westminster, London
31:21 min