Ye samay bhi jayega

There was a King who wanted to get some quote to be written on his ring, which when he sees it, either makes him happy, or sad.
Here was a man (A fakir) who wanted to understand and learn. He went to a place and asked localities if he can get shelter and food. People told him to go to a sahukar (businessman) who lives nearby who can take care of him.
This sahukar took good care of the fakir. So when fakir was leaving, he blessed the sahukar to be prosperous.
To this, sahukar said

"Ye bhi ek din jayega"
(This day will go as well)
Fakir kept thinking about what he said, but couldn't comprehend.
After many years, Fakir went back to that sahukar's place, but got to know that he's bankrupt and now works under another sahukar. He still went to the poor guy, and was surprised to get good service from him again.
Fakir, while leaving blessed again, and the response was same from the poor man
"Ye samay bhi jayega jayega"
After few years when Fakir went to see him, he was rich again. This time sahukar explained "All sorts of time goes by. I was rich and you blessed, but still I became poor; when I was poor, time went by, and I became rich again. Now I'm an old man and all I can say is, this time will go as well."
After few years when fakir returned, he saw the sahukar had died, and there was his tombstone with epitaph
"Ye samay bhi Jayega!"
So when the fakir heard of the king's proclamation, he went and told the king, "Put this on your ring- This time will go as well! When you are sad, you'll be happy to read it. When you're happy, it might make you sad. Nevertheless, it will be true!"

Safarnama 2016
11:29 min

07:56 min