Hindi Videos

Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Chinta Kiski? Chinta Kiski? [24:42 min] What is worth enough we should be worried about ? The meaning of life, or the answer to the question "What is the meaning of life?", pertains to the significance of living or existence in general.
Creator created a miracle. What's the miracle? The dirt that doesn't move on it's own, started moving. Dirt started speaking and even thinking. What's the first thing that the dirt thought with it is thinking power? That it's not dirt!
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Sri Ram College of Commerce: SRCC, New Delhi Sri Ram College of Commerce: SRCC, New Delhi [24:39 min] Prem Rawat speaking with students and faculty members at Sri Ram College of Commerce (SRCC) New Delhi. If you have a map, but you don't know where you're on the map, you can't reach where you want to reach on the map. You need to know your position. That's why I call this knowledge a GPS- Gyaan positioning system!
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Main baat karta hoon aapki Main baat karta hoon aapki [09:35 min] Some talk of relationships, some talk of nations, the sun. I talk of you. What is this life? Whatever we do in this life, we do it for our progress and benefit. Lemme tell you, how much have we benefited because we're alive.
Sahjo naubat swaans ki
baaje hai din rain.
Aur murakh sowe hai maha,
aur chetan ko nahi chain.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - What is good for you? What is good for you? [22:52 min] Hit anhit pashu pakshi ne jaana.
Manush tan gun gyaan nidhana
An old man came to one of my events and said, "I'm illiterate, old, and poor. Can I experience peace too?"
He figured 3 faults in himself! Tell me one person in this world who is born educated!
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Immeasurable Peace Immeasurable Peace [03:24 min] Nobody talks to us about this life. We only have our realizations about importance of this life, when there is a fiasco. That's not how it should be. Fiascos and disasters should be avoided. They shouldn't be the very things that give us the impetus to change.
We have gotten so involved in formulas that we forget what we are trying to accomplish. Sometimes when I'm sleeping at night, I've dreams. In my dreams I'm usually talking to people. And not only talking to people, but saying incredibly nice stuffs. From one such a dream, I'll tell you a story that I was telling.

The story follows in the video.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Doubt Doubt [21:46 min] Relationships are beautiful, but because of the smallest misconceptions we can lose them. Therefore it is important to trust in relationships. The biggest reason for doubt is lack of trust. And it is important to believe in yourself also, which is called self-confidence. If you have faith in yourself and your life, then faith comes in itself, then friends doubt does not flourish in relationship. Whether you're young/old, rich/poor, the good news is that you're alive. Because you're alive, three resides in you something that you can discover. They day you'll recognize it, the wave of enjoyment that will come in your life will diminish any sadness in this world!
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Ye pukar hriday ki hai Ye pukar hriday ki hai [08:26 min] Compilation from event held in Delhi in November 2014
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Sukh Ka Saadhan Tumhare Hi Paas Hai Sukh Ka Saadhan Tumhare Hi Paas Hai [20:05 min] You have all the resources for your happiness
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - What is real truth? What is real truth? [10:46 min] Which knowledge do I offer? It is the knowledge of the self. This is real truth. Many people will predict on what you were in your last life, what you'll be in your next life. What do I do with it?
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Highlights from various events in India Highlights from various events in India [26:41 min] Compilation of various events on an extensive tour in India.