Hindi Videos

Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Bangalore, India- February 2012 Bangalore, India- February 2012 [50:33 min] On February 11th, Maharaji traveled to Bangalore: a major city sometimes termed the "Silicon Valley of India" for its technology industry. A field had been set up with stage, screen and seats, ready to accommodate hundreds of eager listeners. As the day faded, Maharaji spoke to his audience about the nature of true thirst- and how, while that thirst is innate, we can easily forget it's there.

You look beautiful when peace dances on your face. That's when you look beautiful. And that is your true form- you don't know this form. This is your thirst, and you don't know your thirst. This is your hunger, but you don't know this hunger. And the day you recognize your true hunger, your true thirst, then everything will change for you. Because what you're looking for, you will find within you, very close to you. That's my message.

When it comes to matters of the heart, how can you compromise? The heart will not accept it. The heart wants the reality. The heart wants experience. Not somebody sitting there and telling you that you've had food- you've eaten, and it's done. What is done? So, I say that you're thirsty. You are thirsty to experience that supreme bliss.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Ghat ghat mora saiyan Ghat ghat mora saiyan [22:03 min]
Ghat ghat mora saiyan
suni saij na koye
Balihari us ghat ki
jis ghat pragat hoye
while translates to The Creator dwells in every heart. And that heart is blessed in whom he has manifested.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Ye samay bhi jayega Ye samay bhi jayega [23:50 min] There was a King who wanted to get some quote to be written on his ring, which when he sees it, either makes him happy, or sad.
Here was a man (A fakir) who wanted to understand and learn. He went to a place and asked localities if he can get shelter and food. People told him to go to a sahukar (businessman) who lives nearby who can take care of him.
This sahukar took good care of the fakir. So when fakir was leaving, he blessed the sahukar to be prosperous.
To this, sahukar said
"Ye bhi ek din jayega"
(This day will go as well)
Fakir kept thinking about what he said, but couldn't comprehend.
After many years, Fakir went back to that sahukar's place, but got to know that he's bankrupt and now works under another sahukar. He still went to the poor guy, and was surprised to get good service from him again.
Fakir, while leaving blessed again, and the response was same from the poor man
"Ye samay bhi jayega jayega"
After few years when Fakir went to see him, he was rich again. This time sahukar explained "All sorts of time goes by. I was rich and you blessed, but still I became poor; when I was poor, time went by, and I became rich again. Now I'm an old man and all I can say is, this time will go as well."
After few years when fakir returned, he saw the sahukar had died, and there was his tombstone with epitaph
"Ye samay bhi Jayega!"
So when the fakir heard of the king's proclamation, he went and told the king, "Put this on your ring- This time will go as well! When you are sad, you'll be happy to read it. When you're happy, it might make you sad. Nevertheless, it will be true!"
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Is ghat andar Is ghat andar [25:28 min]
Is ghat andar baag bageeche!
Isi mein sehjan haara!!

Is ghat andar saat samandar!
Isi mein nau lakh taara!!

Is ghat andar parasmoti!
Isi mein parkhan haara!!

Is ghat andar anhad garze!
Isi mein uthat phuwara!!

Kehat kabir suno bhai saadho!
Isi mein saain hamara!!

In this heart dwells the garden, dwells the creator. In this heart dwells all the ocean, and the 9 million stars! The diamond and the jeweller to understand the importance also resides within. The diving music and the fountain is within as well. Kabir says "listen my good friend, my lord resides in this same heart of mine!"
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Safarnama 2016 Safarnama 2016 [11:29 min] Prem Rawats' tour of India November 2016 across Gangtok, Lucknow, Bengaluru, Mumbai and a talk at Confluence-IIM Ahmedabad.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Aaj Tak Maana, Ab Jaan Kar Dekho Aaj Tak Maana, Ab Jaan Kar Dekho [31:24 min] So far you have only believed. Put your effort in knowing now.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Why did I come here? Why did I come here? [05:11 min] So, last night around 3am, I was lying there with my eyes open, thinking that there is this world and there are all these religions.
And everyone has been explained that if you go on pilgrimages, do charity, austerity, then after you die, you will go to heaven. So I started thinking that whatever that creator has created, is it pure or not?

The creator doesn't have hands like you and I do, but he also has hands and he has created this entire universe. So, that supreme-being, who himself has created the entire universe- even this earth, on which you are alive now, who created this? Was there a middle-man who created this?
Did someone come from somewhere else, to create this earth? My point is, that this earth too is created by that same supreme-being. So if he has created this, then isn't this heaven? Meaning, wherever his hands would touch. How are pilgrimages formed? Wherever his feet touch, wherever his hands touch, will become sacred. Forget the hands, feet legs, nose, ears- He has created this (earth). So many times he would have touched this, with the hands that he has. And you don't consider this heaven. What beliefs have you got? But people don't consider this heaven, they don't consider this existence to be heaven. All they think is that I'm here and I need to do good deeds, and if I do good deeds, then after I die, I will find heaven.

What is good deed? Ask Muslim, he'll say something else. Ask a Hindu, he'll say something different. Right? Ask a Christian, he'll say something different. They will endorse their books, their scriptures- "This is what is written, this is what is written".
But what is it that you have experienced in your life? Most important thing! What is your experience? Even with all these things, why does the human ask this one question: Why have I come here? Everyone asks. I say that there are two kinds of people- those who have asked, and those who haven't- and those who haven't, will. When they get a beating on their heads, then they will ask. And those who have asked, have searched. So even after reading numerous religious scriptures that there are, why does a human still ask, why did I come here?
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Quoting from sanskrit scripture Quoting from sanskrit scripture [08:45 min] There is a saying
Maal mulakh ki kaun chalawe
Jab nahi chale shareer
People take so much pride in their country, in their flag. But if this body doesn't work then what good is all other things?
This is the drop because of which your ocean exists. All the rivers of your life exist. When the master comes and tells you about this drop, you doubt him! "Can this drop form a river?" Forget the river, this drop is the reason for the ocean to exist.
Mukta fale ki kim pakchi nancha
(No use of putting pearl in front of the bird)
Misthan paanam kim gardha vanam
(No use of putting dessert in front of donkey)
andhe swadeepo, vridhe sudhana
(No use of putting lamp in front of blind, and playing music to deaf)
murkha sastra katha prasanga
(Same is plight of explaining to an idiot)
You ask people where are they going. "Oh we're going for katha (traditional story-telling). Ramayan katha". So who will listen to your story? Have you ever been to your own katha. What is written in Ramayana?
Bade bhagya maanush tan paava
sur-durlabh sat granthan gaava
saadhan dham moksh ka dwara
payein na jahin parlok sawara
A true master will tell your story to you. People go to famous astrologers. But what has all saints said, that nobody is willing to listen to. This is just one sided command- Just fulfill my dream, that's all. I don't want listen to what you say "Don't get entangled in the web of this world.". We don't want to listen to all this, just fulfill what I'm asking for!

It is very important for you that you stay happy, in joy! That's why we named God as "Sat chit anand". Sat (Truth)- It's is within you. Chit (consciousness)- is within you as well. Anand (Bliss)- Where the creator is present, how can bliss not be there!
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Hamari prakriti- Our nature Hamari prakriti- Our nature [22:14 min] I've brought good news for you- that you're alive! This breath coming to you. The creator has given this opportunity to you. There can't be any news better than this! Till today, we've been pondering over things that we din't get. Because people always create the list of things that they don't have. People go to Temple, mosque or church; for what? To ask for things that they don't have. I want to bring your attention to things that you have. What is your true nature? And how powerful is this nature?
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Millions of years ago on this planet Millions of years ago on this planet [18:43 min] There is this whole world. You're alive. You live on this planet. What is this planed made of? Dirt, nothing else. What is the true? What is a lie? It can all be understood with one connection. And that connection is with the master. Because the true teacher not only explains, but he also allows you to experience what he talks about.
There was a time when this earth did not exist. Dust came together to form this earth. And here on this earth, we've all heard many stories. About 5,000 years back, 6,000 years back. But do you know what had happened millions of years ago on this planet? Millions of years ago, human beings did not rule this earth. There were huge, and you have no idea how huge! Huge creatures walking around shaking the earth. They were the rulers. How big were their teeth? One tooth as big as you're. Just one tooth! And those animals ruled this planet not for 1,000 years, or 5,000 years; they ruled for millions of years. What remains of them today? Just bones. And of those that evolved, they're alive today but they're now smaller. Why am I telling you all this? Because it has relation to the master as well.

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