Video Compilations

Prem Rawat - Maharaji - An Ocean In The Drop An Ocean In The Drop [47:19 min] Event from Cusco, Peru - June 2013.
Municipality Convention Center. Speaking to a packed audience of students from various educational institutes, local authorities and residents of Cusco at the Municipality Convention Center, Prem Rawat posed the question, “Why do you want peace?
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - A reflection on 2009 events A reflection on 2009 events [08:41 min] A short and exciting video showcasing Prem Rawat, known to many by the honorary title Maharaji, on a typical tour, as he travels the world to propagate his Message of Peace to individuals around the world.

You can find selected list of videos available from the events here
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - The Importance of Peace The Importance of Peace [31:22 min] In June 2014, Prem Rawat was the keynote speaker at Central Hall, Westminster, for an event sponsored by the Water and Food Award (WAFA). At this event, WAFA celebrated humanitarian efforts that have initiated the most innovative, sustainable and replicable projects to provide nutritious food and clean water to those most in need. “In a way, all our efforts that we are trying to make, whether it is sustainability, whether it is to feed the hungry, whether it is to bring clean water—in our own little way, we want to create a little heaven right here on earth. And who will ever blame us for thinking so wildly? Because that is a wild vision—to want to create a little heaven for us and for our fellow beings. And to leave a legacy of that heaven for the generations yet to come, so they keep on living the dream of creating a little heaven in their time, for the time ahead of them.”
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - He Kupu Maungarongo, A Dialogue For Peace He Kupu Maungarongo, A Dialogue For Peace [09:39 min] In an event of significance for indigenous people in all parts of the world, Prem Rawat was recently welcomed to Aotearoa (New Zealand) in a dramatic ceremony on the marae (sacred place of the Māori people).
This video features the welcome ceremony as well as Prem Rawat's talk.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Face 2 face interview with Rob Love Face 2 face interview with Rob Love [09:21 min] Rob Love seeks insight into life, breath, appreciation, joy and priorities with Prem Rawat, known also as Maharaji.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Europe and North America- 2014 Europe and North America- 2014 [60:55 min] Selections from Prem Rawat’s addresses at events in Europe and North America during the summer of 2014. Also included are excerpts from his engaging interview on the Taiwan Outlook show on Macroview Television in Taipei, Taiwan.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - International Peace day message from UNIPAZ Peace Ambassador International Peace day message from UNIPAZ Peace Ambassador [01:57 min] This is short message Maharaji shared on the International Peace day, as a UNIPAZ Peace Ambassador. Transcript of the video:

Hi, my name is Prem Rawat, and I'm so glad to be participating in International Peace Day. The importance of peace is for all of us. Sometimes we forget how important it is. But to be reminded that this is what our heart wants, that this is what is going to make a difference in this world, that this is the thirst for every single human being on the face of this earth.

We have many ideas, we have many projects, but to be a part of this noble cause that the peace be on this earth, that the peace dances in the heart of human beings, is amazing. It's incredible and to be a part of that, to understand it and to make it possible. I am just one small voice. It is when all the voices of the world will join together that this could become a reality. It is time. We have fought our wars, We have had our wars. But it is time now for peace, peace in the heart of all human beings. In the future generations to come, this is what they need. This is what we need. This is what our hearts have desired for such a long time. And to see the enthusiasm around the world from those people who want to make this a reality is simply amazing.

So once again thank you, thank you so much to be a part of this beautiful beautiful endeavor. Thank you
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Simplicity Simplicity [23:49 min] Life’s complications begin to unravel when simplicity is added. Instead of living with a constant barrage of questions, a person can begin to enjoy just being alive by understanding one basic need.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Corleone, Sicily, and Palermo- city of war turns to city of peace Corleone, Sicily, and Palermo- city of war turns to city of peace [03:19 min] Peace is contagious, happiness is contagious!
Peace is important, that is what Sicily is about.
Maharaji: "I want you to ask yourself, What do you practice the most. Because whatever you practice the most, you're going to become good at it!
If you practise kindness, you're going to get good at it.
The strongest country in the world should be the kindest country in the world. I am not here to give you peace, I'm here to put this idea in your head that peace exists inside of you. All I wanted to do, is to come here today and really let you feel that this is a new step. But when it comes to feeling that peace inside, this remains our own responsibility. A journey of a thousand miles, begins with the first step. Please... Take the first step!
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Drifting- Safe Harbor- Take Notice Drifting- Safe Harbor- Take Notice [07:26 min] So much happens in a person’s life and for so many people it really is like this boat and anchor drifting with the waves, drifting with the wind, drifting with the currents and then, somebody comes along and says you dont have to be drifting, that there is a harbour in which you may anchor and if this possibility is true. And I know that every being in their heart of hearts knows that there is a harbor, there is anchorage that is safe. Then let me prepare myself to understand, to accept, this divinity in my life, this possibility in my life.

And one of the most beautiful opportunities is the possibility of a master in one’s life to help that. Teach me, so that not you, but I, can stay away from ignorance. Grant me the gift so I may be awakened to that most beautiful possibility of understanding and accepting my own existence. Give me the gift, give me the courage to accept this magic in my life. Every day, every waking moment I have to prepare myself, I have to remind myself to look in that direction, to gaze upon that beauty that lies within me, I have to honour it. I have to be there to welcome it. I have to be there to embrace it and if that can be the focus thats when the being begins to dance- not physically, but within- thats when understanding begins to come. There is something like this in our life. There is an opportunity.

If somebody comes in your life and says- "I can give you peace, I can bring you in touch with your heart" Take notice- thats worth it! If you have that in this life, in this existence. Then that is the fulfillment of this existence.

Be fulfilled.