Video Compilations

Prem Rawat - Maharaji - The Ageless The Ageless [09:35 min] This body (Nartan) is the vessel to go across this ocean. The coming and the going of the breath is the blessing. What you need, is the master with strong arms who can row the boat across. Doesn't matter where it comes from, I like it! Because it is a simple formula for very complex things in the world. This is the vessel (pointing to the self). Journey from unfulfillment to fulfilment- that's the ocean.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - European Parliament in Brussels European Parliament in Brussels [24:23 min] Mr. Rawat spoke of the universal need for peace to a diverse audience of Members of
  • the European Parliament
  • Diplomats
  • Local leaders
  • honored guests from many countries
In my opinion the ideal should be to have peace on this earth, where people feel and celebrate having peace. We talk about prosperity; in my formula, and this is only because I've observed, Prosperity without peace is chaos. Everybody is wondering what is going on? Isn't just a few years ago everybody was proud- 'Yes the Economy!' Then all of a sudden, prosperity without peace leads to chaos. If we want to avoid this chaos, then we've to work on what peace really is. That peace is not a monastery, peace is not absence of noise, not absence of war. Peace is not a declaration. Peace is a fundamental human need that needs to be felt from within. I'm paraphrasing the UN charter- "It's in the minds of men, of human beings, that the wars are created". That's where it comes from. And I just want to add this much "That it is from the hearts of the human beings that peace will be created"

There are people who give 5 reasons or 6 reasons why there shouldn't be peace on this earth. I've 6.5 billion reason on why there should be peace on this earth! This is the time when the nations need to come together. Because remember it is those Kings and rulers in whose rule peace reigned that were considered the most successful ruler- and prosperity followed. These are not impossible dreams. This can be a reality that we can have. Question remains whether we want to do it or not.

At the end of the event Vice President of European Parliament and Italian MEP, Mr. Gianni Pittella, personally thanked Mr. Rawat for his insights, declaring that:

"Today, peace is considered an irreplaceable factor in every effort for a society that is based on the dignity of the individual and on common welfare.
However, any effort for peace made by institutions cannot fully succeed if the value of peace is not deeply rooted in every person's heart."
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Parliament of New Zealand, welcome & honor Prem Rawat Parliament of New Zealand, welcome & honor Prem Rawat [07:27 min] Video starts with New Zealand’s traditional formal ’Maori’ welcome to Prem Rawat to the Parliament house(so don't bother, if you dont understand some of the words). Maharaji delivered the keynote address at the New Zealand Parliament Chamber on the United Nations International Day of Peace. This video has the opening ceremony of the event and a short excerpt of Maharaji’s address. The Parliament of New Zealand officially recognizes Maharaji’s contribution to the community, saying they look forward to what he has to teach them! There is a second part following this.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Salvage Salvage [09:54 min] To come and be inspired, because I have touched in you the true voice of reason, that the reason is from your heart. Thats what inspiration is. Inspiration is to touch that voice of reasoning, that reason spelled by the heart.
When you leave this world, what do you think you will take with you, when you wont even be able to your own body. Such a definitive distinction between that real you and the you you think you are. Now why am I telling you this? To scare you, No. This is what is going to happen. The idea is to take as much as possible, salvage as much as possible, before this happens.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Event in Europe- 2014 Event in Europe- 2014 [56:01 min] Selections from Prem Rawat’s addresses at events in Europe during the summer of 2014. These excerpts focus on striving to be truly human and abiding by our basic human nature, which is to be filled with joy. Also included is a segment from Prem Rawat’s interview with Mr. Gee, a well-known urban poet in the United Kingdom, where they speak about the importance of knowing that the happiness that human beings seek is within them.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Stories for Peace Stories for Peace [14:49 min] For a lot of people the question becomes, "What is peace?"
It is individual human beings, who need the peace. Who will benefit? We will benefit. Our future generations will benefit. A place they can proudly call their own, is the rarest thing around for miles and miles. I don't want to give you false hope. And I never said peace on this earth is going to be easy.
When they were deciding on how to go to the moon, a lot of people said it cannot be done. The trip to the moon was successful not because of people who said it cannot be done. But it was made successful by people who said it can be done. Every climb begins with a step. Every ladder has the first rung. Every stair has the first step. And yes, you can take it. Let us know just hope, but do whatever we can, to bring peace on this earth.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - English / Hindi Quotations of Prem Rawat with music English / Hindi Quotations of Prem Rawat with music [06:01 min] Set to a beautiful piece of Sarangi Music, this video features life changing quotes by Prem Rawat, adored by countless people around the world by the honorary title, Maharaji, a steadfast proponent and voice for inner peace.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji -  The Quest for Fulfillment The Quest for Fulfillment [24:01 min] "Why Peace? ... 7 billion people on the face of this earth are crying out for one thing and one thing alone and that is peace".

In our lives, we need inspiration so that we can do those things which can make the most of this lifetime. Something that gives meaning to being here, being alive. These are the driving engines that are going to inspire me to enjoy my self. This is about you, just you.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Notes on Peace - Library of Foreign Literature, Moscow Notes on Peace - Library of Foreign Literature, Moscow [15:07 min] On June 29, 2012, Prem Rawat addressed as keynote speaker at an event called Notes on Peace, held at Moscow's nationally renowned Library of Foreign Literature. The event was co-sponsored by Synergy, Moscow University of Business and Finance (MUIF); and the Ismail Akhmetov Foundation. The Library of Foreign Literature, as well as housing five million books in one hundred and forty-five languages, acts as a center for cultural and international relations.

On his first visit to Russia, Prem Rawat was greeted by some of Moscow's leading academics and university students interested in exploring the subject of peace. Opening the event was a virtuoso pianist who played a beautiful Tchaikovskymoscow sonata, giving a uniquely Russian ambience at the library theatre.

The Rector of Synergy University, Professor Uriy Rubin then addressed the audience, talking about the history of the young university, the subjects taught, and its interest in peace. Ismail Akhmetov gave a warm introduction and welcome to Prem Rawat.

Prem Rawat spoke in simple terms, making the point that people look to world leaders to bring peace, but in reality it already exists within each person. He illustrated this perspective with stories and facts that were deeply appreciated by the audience.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Nova Southeastern University: Peace is Possible Conference Nova Southeastern University: Peace is Possible Conference [39:05 min] Really what I have to talk about is something incredibly simple. It is simple because it has something to do with you; it has something to do with your existence.
Its not about formulas, it’s not about trying to contrive ways to get around to the joy and the beauty of this life but it is about a feeling, and the feeling of being alive.
We do so much in our lives to fulfill ourselves on the outside, we create massive structures, we create massive institutions, and the purpose, and the reason for all of this, so that we can be fulfilled. Now the key thing here is fulfillment, it is not what fulfills you, but do you have the fulfillment in your life?

So yes everyday we do our research, everyday we go on expanding our horizons but all on the outside, and but I am here to tell you is that its ok to study and expand your outer horizon but don’t forget your inner horizon. It is ok to learn about this world, but don’t forget to learn about the heart, it is ok to study the behavior of all the animals, all plants and the nature but don’t forget your own behavior, the behavior of this heart, the request of this heart, the call of this heart, because if you do, there is only one simple consequence, and that consequence is that you have a 1000 glasses but no water to fill them with, and if you were a person in a middle of the desert in sincere need of that water, in dire need of that water, because of the thirst which would you rather have the glass or the water??